自从爱上做饭才能更加体会厨房的乐趣和幸福。但是完全受不了梅姑的口音,囧。you are the butter to my bread; you are the breath to my life.
「He's always looking for the truth, and he's looking for peace of mind.」 「He wants to be a spiritual being, but he couldn't because he has to deal with this life.」 「So he could be loving because of his true nature.and sweet and kind and gentle.」 「George decorated the whole studio with flowers.You know that was a beautiful moment for me.——ringo」
整体老套但不难看。导演是《年经的继拇6》(Shameless)的编剧。Bradley Cooper的角色太刻板,故事就像影片女主对男主做菜风格的评价:old school,就连美英法三国人的互相吐槽也是full of cliche,不过这种“美食A片”一定要吃饱再看,否则就会像我一样边看边吃了一锅关东煮和好多炸鸡。6.5/10